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TEI Specification Translator

Getting started

Clicking on "Browse" or "Settings" above will first ask you to log in via GitHub, if you haven't already done so. You can create a GitHub account if you don't already have one.

After you log in you'll be taken to the Settings page. Before you can save your work, you'll need to choose a repository to save to. This must be a fork of the TEI repo. It can be in your own account or in a GitHub organization you're a member of. You will be asked to go to the new fork and enable Workflows. This will allow us to keep track of your translation work in the browse view. If you don't enable Workflows, it just means the browse page won't reflect what you've done. Everything else will work.

The next step is to choose or create a branch to save into. Branches can have any name that doesn't conflict with a branch name in the TEI repo. If you already have a branch you want to work in, you can type or choose its name. If you type a new name, you'll be prompted to create the branch. You should then be able to choose what you want to work on.

The browse view gives you lists of elements, attribute classes, model classes, macros, and datatypes. For each language, there will be icons telling you what the state of the translations are. A means everything has been translated. A means all translations are up to date. A means there are missing translations. A means there are out of date translations.

Clicking on a name link will take you to the specification page for that item. You can then choose a language to work in, enter your translations, and save them when you're done.

Saving your work creates a commit on GitHub, in your working branch. You can visit your repo on GitHub to see all the changes you've made via the link on the browse page. When you're ready to submit your work, click the "Submit Your Work" button, and a Pull Request will be created for review on the TEI repo. You can continue to save changes until the Pull Request is closed.

Setting up a translation campaign

If you want to collaborate with a group in translating pages, you will first need to set up an organization on GitHub, create a fork of TEIC/TEI within it, and then invite your collaborators to work on the fork (see Managing access to your organization's repositories). When your collaborators sign in to, they will be able to enter the organization name instead of their username to access the organization's fork. You will want to set up a branch for everyone to work in and let your collaborators know which branch to use.